Gkoura Gorge

COUNTY: Arcadia



16,000 - 17,000


Plane Trees, Willows, Ashes, Kermes Oaks, Maples, Birches, Grecian Laurels, Judas-Trees, Blackberries, Weaver's Blooms, Oregano, Cyclamens, Crocus


Mountain Climbing,

The gorge is between the villages of Psari, Lykouresi, Servou, Sarakini, Lyssarea, Arapides, Ochthia, Aetorrachi and Kokkinorachi, in Gortynia Municipality. Every winter, through the gorge streams water, the stream bearing the same name as the gorge, and depending on the seasonal weather, it may flood.

The gorge's total length is 16 kilometres. It begins on an altitude of 1180 metres, on Artozinos mountain, and ends in Touthoa river, also called river Lagadino (meaning of the valley), on an altitude of 180 metres.

On the past, Gkoura used to boost the local economy significantly, because on the gorge's length sat infrastructure that took advantage of the river, such as watermills and wash basins. Later, after the population's decline due to migration, the infrastructure was abandoned and the area was reclaimed by nature. Because of this, in addition to being hard to reach, the canyon today has a more natural look.

The rare natural beauty of the gorge is because of its wild vegetation, lakes, waterfalls and precipices, especially in the locations Kasonia, Trani Cave and Paliomylo. Many spots are impossible to reach, though, without special hiking equipment and experience, because of its particular terrain. In the most hard to reach places, vegetation is much richer, having many different species such as plane, willow, ash, kermes oak, maple, birch, Grecian laurel, Judas-tree, blackberry, weaver's bloom, oregano, cyclamen, crocus, and many other.

According to research done by special hiking teams, relatively inexperienced hikers can traverse the gorge with ease by bypassing the hard to reach or dangerous areas, while the more experienced ones can travel its whole length, using the necessary hiking equipment.

For now, the gorge hasn't been developed for touristic purposes. More infrastructure works are needed for visitors, tourists and groups to be able to easily and safely travel through.

Related to the gorge is the naturalist and hiking club "Gkoura".